7 p.m. July 29, 2019 840 East Lake Drive

Call to order: Michael Watts, president, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Association meeting room at 840 East Lake Drive.

Present: Board members-Greg Arth, Tim Brown, Bob Cahn, Doug Carney, Greg Brumitt, Lee Frea, Andy Leek, Craig Louer, Andrew Reznack, James Taylor, Michael Watts, Roy Wehling, Richard Welle.
Absent: Eric Ham & Donna Polinske, excused
Manager: Carolyn Green, C. Green & Associates, Inc.
Visitor’s Present: Peg Flach and Ryan Beevers

MINUTES Carolyn Green presented minutes of June 24, 2019 meeting. A typo was noted in the commons committee’s report. Tim Brown made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Jim Taylor seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

VISITOR COMMENTS – Mike thanked Peg and the social committee for all the work on the Chicken Dinner. There was a great crowd, and everything went well. Peg reported that the Association pre-sold 52 tickets, which Moose workers said was a little more than average. After expenses, the bake sale made $105. She is hoping for $750 to 775 from the dinner.

The June Walk/Run went very well too. People are asking when we are going to do it again. There are enough medals left over if the Association wants to do it again.

Peg said she has been to 2 public service meetings about roads. The construction on the north end of East Lake was taken off the project list and several residents thought a couple of spots had become very unsafe. The roads have been covered and chipped. That has filled the dangerous places and at the committee meetings it was agreed that the City would look at the road in 2 years and determine if it needs to be put back on the high-priority list.

Craig said some bigger projects with matching dollars had gotten bumped up the priority list ahead of Lake streets. He said the City has a commitment to walkable streets and he would still like to see sidewalks here.


FINANCIAL REPORT – Rick Welle went through the financial reports from the previous month. Grand total in cash assets is $57,833.07 in assessments. Spending this month was routine for the summer months. Andrew Reznack made a motion to approve the financials as presented. Greg Arth seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Legal – Michael Watts reported on two cases where the Association filed legal action for unpaid dues. One home owner has payed $3,000. The defendant in the second case did not appear so the judge ruled in favor of the Association.

Meetings Elections and Social: Andrew Reznack, chair
Andrew noted Peg already made the announcement about the chicken dinner.

There is a contract with the Wildey Theatre to hold the winter social on Saturday, Jan. 18. The next Meet-up at the dam will be August 18.

Mike reported that he is still waiting to hear back from the attorney on ballot. Article 11 in the restrictions calls out all the details of assessments. The ballot will include the two informational sheets Tim put together and a cover page to summarize the proposal.

Restrictions: Roy Wehling, chair
The boat with an oversized motor has been removed. There is concern about another one that was floating loose at the southend.

Safety: Greg Arth, chair
Greg reported that he has talked with Doug and they have put together a how-to on water testing. The Safety Committee is going to do this with several policy issues. The committee will also look into enforcement options allowed by the restrictions. Greg reported that he counted 402 boats and what type they were.

Silt & Erosion: Submitted by Craig Louer, chair
The committee had a meeting on Monday with Tyson Zobrist from the Corps of Engineers and Karen Frederic from Horner Shiffrin engineering. They covered what has been done in the past to get to the current situation with water quality. They explained why 840 East Lake was chosen as the silt site and discussed possible impacts of prolonged funding model.

In short, using a nationwide permit that won’t expire right away will be best. Project limitations will have to be decided along the way. There will be increases in cost when there has to be multiple bids over long periods of time.

Tyson from the Corps of Engineers said all the development planned in Edwardsville has the potential to cause a lot of additional silt to go into the lake and the association needs to be proactive with the City Council. Current silt basins are there but they are not being maintained. All building plans have to have water retention plans, or they will not be approved but there is no staff to monitor and enforce maintenance of retention basins.

It was suggested the board reach out to city and to let them know we had this conversation and ask how many retention basins are in our area. We will need to monitor the planning commission to watch for new retention basins being added to proactively monitor when they fill up.

Carolyn will call Craig, Ryan Zwijack and/or Eric Williams at the City whenever board members or residents report a retention basin in our watershed being full. The City can intervene if it is an easement or overland drainage.

Grant options with Heartland and IL319 money were discussed.

Building:  Andy Leek, chair
While Andy was out, Mike Watts went to check out a lot on Hollyhock where a resident wants to build a shed. He’s talked to the neighbors and they are okay with it. After a short discussion it was noted that if it is in side lot the City will not allow an accessory building on vacant lot.

Communications (and website) – Tim Brown, chair; Ryan Beevers, webmaster
Tim has created a handout to go with ballots. Please look at the website and see if there is other material that needs to be up. There is a new contact form on the webpage with a dropdown menu listing each committee. Messages go to the chair of that committee and Carolyn.

Commons B2 has 3 trees that have been put in on our property. There may be a need to clarify the boundaries. Lee met with Ryan Z. from the City about ditch repair. He thinks that for normal pool a 10 foot or wider ditch is needed. Ryan said not to do pipe.  An ENERGI grant was submitted for small stone to build a kayak launch area next to the new kayak stands in Ward 5. In Ward 6 assistance replacing the Association dock at B3 was requested.

Dam: Submitted by Michael Watts, chair
Mike has a bid from Aplin to seal the spillway (routine maintenance). The work can’t be done until the spillway is dry for long enough to clean it out, prep the area, and fill the cracks. A date for the annual dam inspection will be set with the engineer.

Fireworks: Michael Watts, chair.
Fireworks went well. Thanks to everyone who helped clean up the dam. There were a lot of the weeds in the riprap.

Fish and Wildlife:  Doug Carney, chair
Residents on West Lake 4 have gotten a bid for 12 days of trapping on their common area. It was $499 and annual budget for traps and trapping was only $500 so Doug got two more bids. They were both higher. The committee recommends buying a few traps and loaning them out to residents. Doug will try to get someone at IL Trappers Association.

Legal: Donna Polinske, chair
no report

Management Report: Submitted by Carolyn Green
The new committee chairs are getting into their routines and doing well. There have not been many resident calls about safety issues this summer.



ADJOURNMENT: The next meeting will be 7 pm Mon,, Aug. 26. Greg Brumitt will be out.