With Storm Events and…

Erratic weather increasing the spillway has to be a priority. Engineers at Hurst-Rosche are to design a structure that can achieve the requirements of the IDNR at the northeast corner of the dam. It also allows us to incorporate another gate into the structure that...

What Happens If We Do NOTHING?

Dam failure is a real possibility if the spillway won’t pressure off the dam fast enough. Click on the link below. The link will take you to the website of Dam Failures. There is a plethora of information regarding dam failures (videos, case studies, lessons...

DLPOA is asking residents –

to raise fees $15 per month to fund maintenance for the 80-year-old dam and keep silt and pollution out of the lake. Increasing water flows are hitting WWII-era infrastructure and everyone who owns property in the association shares this liability. Mike Watts, DLPOA...